In a world where the ticking of the clock is incessant, and the desire to get to a place of less work and a higher quality of living, the quest for work/life balance becomes a never-ending pursuit – especially for the single woman who juggles life’s demands (statistically gets paid less), as a solo entrepreneur charting unfrequented territories, or the professional seeking solace in life’s quieter moments. Let’s face it all: the solo ladies who have a more challenging time, especially in the traditional office job, are overworked and underpaid. Those single working moms are unappreciated by the relentless bosses at home- the kids!

Why balance matters

New Age author, Deepak Chopra’s research, shows that the body is optimal and consistently aims to bring you into homeostasis (psychological balance). When symptoms of illness or misalignment in your health arise, it is often your body’s way of getting you to listen. As you know, we don’t listen very well to today’s pressures of getting ahead. Biologically engineered women are more likely to be more considerate of others over their own needs. Single mothers, in particular, are hard-wired to think of their children first intuitively. While thinking of the children first feels natural and intuitive, it only seems logical to power through any signs of anxiety or stress to get shit done; in the long run, it will take a toll. Like the airplane analogy, if you don’t use the air mask first, you cannot help others. The awareness of women’s need for emotional support, health, and wellness is insufficient today. Powering through is not mentally healthy, so it is crucial to take the time to reevaluate and restructure for the long term. In keeping with today’s buzzword ‘ sustainable,’ prioritizing your well-being while doing what you’re doing will help keep you doing what you do.

Oprah Winfrey states that the initial stride toward success involves understanding your desires and direction in life. This entails pinpointing your true north—both in personal and professional realms—as the foundation. Just as a well-oiled machine or a thriving corporation relies on meticulous strategies like journey mapping and journaling, employing similar techniques can visually chart your journey toward achieving life’s goals. If you’re inclined towards visual aids, a vision board can be remarkably effective; a compilation of inspiring images constantly reinforces objectives, whether adorning a board or gracing the fridge. Following this, cultivating friendships that resonate with your values becomes pivotal in maintaining momentum. Companions with similar interests often provide encouragement and support, bringing you closer to your aspirations. However, it’s crucial to ensure that these friendships are grounded in honesty and autonomy, steering clear of over-reliance.

The core lesson lies in crystallizing your vision and establishing manageable steps to propel you forward, avoiding overwhelming complexities while progressing in achievable increments. While growth is expedited when nurtured healthily together, it’s essential to acknowledge that it’s not always feasible if the foundation isn’t vital.

Understanding what you do not desire and recognizing what is detrimental to your overarching future is crucial for effecting change. It involves establishing boundaries that can delineate a path forward. The courage to establish these boundaries and identify your non-negotiables is a guiding compass that helps you navigate life’s inevitable storms.

Choosing how you spend your time.

Time is a commodity you can never buy back.

Analyzing how and where you allocate your time can unveil a broader perspective that may have previously gone unnoticed. Balancing schedules can be particularly challenging, especially for parents, where unpredictability often becomes the norm. However, articulating your core values and establishing clear priorities can alleviate stress and gain clarity regarding your objectives. Take, for instance, the approach of successful fashion moguls like Giorgio Armani, who, despite managing multiple collections each season, breaks down his routine into manageable increments, devoting a set amount of time to each task before moving on to the next. Embracing the notion that diverse avenues exist to achieve your goals beyond conventional methods is essential. One common challenge parents face is driving unwilling kids to classes they believe will benefit them more than alone playtime with mom or dad. Another struggle parents face is the task of getting there. Of course, the class provides some socialization and gives mom or dad a break, but it is crucial not to lose sight of the bigger picture. Be clear about your higher intentions and ultimate goals, which

informs how you can creatively pivot. Accepting limitations and finding different ways to achieve the same goal forces you outside your comfort zone, promotes personal growth, and is often accompanied by valuable life lessons. The dynamic between parents and children is a rapid reciprocal learning curve, particularly when faced with a younger version of oneself.

Regardless of age, openly communicate plans and expectations to your child, loved one, or friend. Be open to suggestions and feedback, fostering healthy decision-making. Authenticity in expressing emotions and rationale is key, even when certain aspects are non-negotiable, provided there’s a transparent explanation. Additionally, allowing yourself a time buffer before and after outings enhances enjoyment without added stress. While initially appearing extensive, this method swiftly highlights the value, feasibility, and areas worth exploring or abandoning within the activities under consideration.

Establishing Physical Boundaries

We don’t always have the luxury of having our own space. More often than not, a situation will arise where you will have to share. Women vs Men are less likely to articulate their needs as straightforward as men. At a time when efficiency thrives on simplicity and streamlining wherever possible. It’s about trimming the excess, as the saying goes. While this may seem cutthroat to the classy lady, progress can’t be achieved without a conducive environment for your work and intention. Designating specific areas for particular activities and implementing rules to maintain their sanctity fosters productivity. Purposefully designed spaces enhance the enjoyment of your endeavors, whether they involve work, leisure, or dining. For individuals accommodating others, whether children, roommates, partners, or guests, it’s reasonable to assert, “This area is designated for ___, and nothing should be disturbed here.” When sharing space, a considerate approach involves involving the other party by offering assistance in setting up their designated area within agreed-upon time constraints. Initiating the dialogue with, “I’m willing to assist with organizing your space,” sets a collaborative tone. Demarcating territories instills a sense of ownership, fostering mutual respect in spaces.

Single Women Practising Yoga

Getting physical for your mental wellness

Incorporating a non-negotiable movement routine into your daily life is crucial for maintaining mental wellness. Regular physical activity enhances physical health and significantly boosts mental well-being by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Exercise releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters, which foster a positive mindset and improve overall emotional resilience. Committing to a consistent movement routine, whether it’s a morning jog, yoga session, or evening walk, provides a structured time for self-care, helping to clear the mind, increase energy levels, and promote better sleep, all of which are essential for a balanced and healthy mental state.

Letting go

Dealing with toxic relationships sucks. Adding a challenging ex or dealing with a narcissistic micro-managing boss can rock our balance out of control. These detrimental, complex dynamics make it difficult to recognize how deeply damaging they are, especially if you are a caring, empathetic woman. Science now understands how toxic relationships affect our quality of life. To cultivate a growth mindset and optimum healthy lifestyle, it’s important to practice setting boundaries to stay on track. By acknowledging and actively disengaging from relationships that drain our energy and hinder our personal growth, we create space for positive change and advancement. Although it may seem counterintuitive to cut others out of your life if they ultimately detract from your overall well-being – they have to go. Remember, time is a commodity you can’t buy. Therefore, you either open the conversation to improve the situation, provide an opportunity for mutual understanding and growth, or cut off ties. Set personal boundaries and establish a time frame for improvement before investing more energy into these relationships. Otherwise, they will drag you down. By prioritizing our mental and emotional health, we protect ourselves from further harm and propel ourselves forward, moving closer to achieving our long-term goals. This proactive approach lays the foundation for a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle, empowering us to thrive personally and professionally while fostering a sense of fulfillment and well-being.

Establishing and Nurturing Support Systems

No individual achieves success in isolation. Behind every accomplished person stands pillars of support: family, friends, and colleagues. In today’s interconnected world, leveraging technology alongside productivity tools is paramount for maintaining these connections. Embrace the digital landscape by joining communities and networks akin to sowing seeds in a garden of growth and opportunity.

The avenues for networking are abundant and accessible. Platforms like Facebook host numerous communities, while meetup groups provide face-to-face interactions. Regardless of your background, profession, or interests, communities are tailored to your needs online and within your local community. With some exploration and initiative, you can uncover a wealth of resources and like-minded individuals eager to support your journey.

Embrace the ethos of experimentation; little commitment is required to explore these opportunities. The potential benefits far outweigh any initial hesitations. Actively engage and participate in these communities, taking care to strike a balance between enthusiasm and restraint. Set the tone by embodying consideration and professionalism, inspiring others to reciprocate.

Don’t delay taking the plunge; the sooner you immerse yourself, the quicker you can discern whether a particular network is fruitful. Remember, building robust support systems is a dynamic process that requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to explore new avenues.

Keeping the balance

Adapting a new mindset to maintain balance is an exciting and rewarding evolution as you step into your future.

Achieving an optimal work-life balance is feasible and imperative, even amidst stress. Drawing inspiration from the journeys of successful and influential figures before us offers valuable insights. However, the key lies in emulating their paths and meticulously defining our goals with unwavering clarity. It’s about understanding the true intentions and values that underpin these objectives and devising practical, bite-sized strategies to bring them within reach.

Satisfaction strikes a harmonious chord between our professional endeavors and personal well-being. Rather than viewing work and personal life as conflicting forces, we should aspire for them to complement each other, enriching the tapestry of our existence. This pursuit embodies a philosophy of equilibrium—a delicate balance where ambition and serenity intertwine, creating a holistic portrait of who we aspire to become.

In essence, the pursuit of work-life balance is not just about time management or productivity hacks; it’s about cultivating a mindset that prioritizes holistic fulfillment, nurturing professional success and personal well-being in equal measure.

Here are the top five tips for achieving work-life balance as a single woman:

Set Clear Boundaries

  • Work Hours: Define specific work hours and stick to them. Avoid checking emails or taking work calls outside of these hours.
  • Personal Time: Allocate time for individual activities and relaxation. Communicate your boundaries to colleagues and supervisors to ensure they respect your time.

Prioritize Self-Care:

  • Physical Health: Maintain a regular exercise routine, eat a balanced diet, and ensure you get enough sleep. Going through a perimenopausal time (approx 35 years old +) menopause or any other poignant times, take extra care to educate and treat yourself well.
  • Mental Health: Practice mindfulness, meditation, or any activity that helps you relax and de-stress. Schedule regular downtime to recharge.

Organize and Plan:

  • Time Management: Use tools like planners, calendars, or apps to manage your time effectively. Plan your week ahead, including both work tasks and personal activities.
  • Task Prioritization: Focus on high-priority tasks first, and delegate or postpone less critical ones. Break larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

Cultivate a Support Network:

  • Social Connections: Maintain a strong network of friends and family who can provide emotional support and companionship. Regularly spend time with loved ones.
  • Professional Support: Seek mentors or join professional groups offering advice, support, and networking opportunities. Sharing experiences with peers can be invaluable.

Pursue Personal Interests and Hobbies:

  • Hobbies and Interests: Engage in activities that you are passionate about outside of work. Make time for what you love, whether it’s a creative pursuit, a sport, or a hobby.
  • Continuous Learning: Invest time in learning new skills or exploring new interests. This will enrich your personal life and can also enhance your professional growth.