This article resonates with those of us who enjoy the perks of working from home. The right environment can make all the difference. Originally titled “The Impact of a Clean House on Mental Health and Productivity: Insights from Feng Shui and Practical Tips for Busy Lives,” it underscores the importance of maintaining a clean and organized home, especially for multitaskers with side hustles and various income streams. Staying organized is crucial. To all the creative entrepreneurs and slightly ADHD wanderers out there, this one’s for you!

Maintaining a clean and orderly home is a fundamental trait that boosts efficiency and productivity in life. While the physical benefits of a clean environment are apparent, the psychological and emotional advantages are equally significant. This article explores how a clean house directly influences mental health and productivity, incorporating insights from feng shui methodologies, and offers practical tips for those struggling to keep their homes tidy amidst a busy schedule.

sleeping girl clutter room

The Psychological Impact of a Clean Home
If lockdown has taught us anything, working from home is not only doable but sometimes essential. However, a cluttered and messy home can ramp up stress and anxiety levels. When you’re juggling a million things, it might seem easier to live with the mess. But over time, if your environment doesn’t match where you want to go professionally, it can create a disconnect, and suddenly, your productivity feels like a burden. This mismatch can seriously mess with your head, making it harder to focus, be positive, and stay progressive. The chaos around you can spill over into your mental state, causing even more stress. According to a study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, women who described their homes as cluttered or full of unfinished projects were more likely to be depressed and tired compared to those who described their homes as restorative and restful. The physical environment can significantly impact one’s well-being; clutter and disorganization can lead to feelings of overwhelm and helplessness.

Conversely, a clean and organized space promotes a sense of control and can significantly boost your mood, encouraging you to do more. According to a study in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, people who work in tidy environments are more focused and less likely to experience cognitive overload. Adding treasured mementos and inspiring beauty items to your space can also help maintain a relaxed, happy, and creative mindset. The key is finding the right balance.

How to feel good in your space.

Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of arranging living spaces to create harmony and balance, provides valuable insights into the connection between our surroundings and mental health. Feng Shui principles emphasize the importance of a clutter-free, organized home to enhance positive energy (chi) flow and promote well-being.

In Feng Shui, the concept of energetic corners, also known as “Bagua” areas, is vital in enhancing positive energy flow within a room. Each corner of a space corresponds to a different aspect of life, such as wealth, relationships, health, and career. For instance, the far left corner from the entrance of a room is associated with prosperity, and keeping this area clutter-free and vibrant with green plants can attract financial abundance. The far right corner relates to love and relationships, best energized with pairs of objects or romantic imagery. The center of the room symbolizes overall health, benefiting from cleanliness and balanced décor. By mindfully organizing and enhancing these specific corners, Feng Shui aims to harmonize and improve the various facets of your life, promoting a balanced and fulfilling living environment.

  1. Declutter Regularly: Feng Shui teaches that clutter blocks energy flow, leading to stagnation and negative feelings. Regular decluttering can help keep energy moving freely, which is believed to foster a more peaceful and productive environment.
  2. Use Natural Light: Proper lighting is crucial in Feng Shui. Natural light boosts mood and energy levels, making it easier to stay focused and productive. Ensure windows are clean and unobstructed to maximize natural light.
  3. Incorporate Nature: Adding plants and natural elements to your home can enhance positive energy flow. Plants improve air quality and bring a sense of tranquility, which can reduce stress and increase productivity.
  4. Optimize Furniture Placement: Feng Shui suggests arranging furniture to create an open and welcoming space. This means avoiding blocking pathways and ensuring you have a clear view of the door from your working or resting positions, which can enhance feelings of security and control.
  5. Maintain Cleanliness: Cleanliness is a cornerstone of good Feng Shui. Regular cleaning routines ensure energy remains positive and vibrant, supporting mental clarity and efficiency.

Feng shui for the home office

Ideally, position your desk in the “commanding position”—where you can see the door but aren’t directly lined up with it—this setup dials down stress and gives you more control over your workspace. Your back against a solid wall for stability and security is a good idea, as well as lots of natural light; avoid facing a window or door if you feel exposed, but remember, if you are backlit from the window, it can cause glare on your computer. Bringing in natural elements like plants freshens the air and brings a soothing vibe. Good lighting is key, too—natural light is best for boosting your energy levels. Keep things tidy and clutter-free to let positive chi flow freely, helping you stay focused and creative.

Feng Shui for Your Living Room

According to Feng Shui, setting up a harmonious living room is about arranging furniture and décor to encourage relaxation, socializing, and positive energy flow. Start by placing your main seating, like the sofa, in a “commanding position” where you can see the room’s entrance but aren’t directly in line with it, creating a sense of security. Arrange chairs and sofas to face each other or in a circle to promote conversation. Bring in natural elements like wood, plants, and water features for balance and vitality. Opt for soft, layered lighting with natural, overhead, and task lights to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Keep clutter at bay to allow chi to flow freely, and incorporate all five Feng Shui elements—wood, fire, earth, metal, and water—for a balanced and harmonious environment. Personalize the space with family photos or uplifting artwork to enhance positive energy, making it a cozy spot for relaxation and social gatherings.

Feng Shui for Your Bedroom

In Feng Shui, your bedroom is a sanctuary to promote rest, rejuvenation, and intimacy. Position your bed in a featured position where you can see the door but aren’t directly aligned, ideally with a solid wall behind for support. This setup enhances feelings of security and relaxation. Avoid placing the bed under a window or directly opposite a mirror, and don’t have a lot of crystals in the room, as these can disrupt sleep and personal energy. Be selective with your plant choices, ensuring they are safe-giving and not taking oxygen at night. Choose soothing colors like soft blues, greens, or neutrals to foster tranquility. Keep under-bed storage clear to allow energy to circulate freely and minimize electronic devices that can disturb your peace. Incorporate natural materials and plush textures in bedding and furnishings for comfort. Use soft, layered lighting and consider blackout curtains for optimal sleep conditions.

The Real Struggle of Maintaining a Clean Home

Balancing a clean home with a busy life is challenging. Many struggle to keep up with cleaning tasks due to demanding work schedules, family responsibilities, and other commitments; this struggle is real, and acknowledging it is the first step towards finding realistic solutions.

women cleaning dishes in her home

Five Realistic Tips for Achieving a Cleaner Home and Boosting Productivity

  1. Set Small, Manageable Goals:
  2. Break down cleaning tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. Instead of attempting to clean the entire house in one day, focus on one room or even one area at a time. This makes the task more manageable and achievable.
  3. Create a Cleaning Schedule:
  4. Consistency is key. Develop a cleaning schedule that fits your lifestyle. Allocate specific tasks to different days of the week. For example, Mondays could be for laundry, Wednesdays for vacuuming, and Saturdays for thorough cleaning. Stick to this schedule to maintain a clean environment without feeling overburdened.
  5. Utilize Technology and Tools:
  6. Use modern cleaning tools and technology to save time and effort. Robotic vacuum cleaners, for instance, can keep floors clean with minimal effort. Cleaning apps can also help you stay organized and remind you of tasks that need to be done. Home-use carpet cleaners have been a great hack for keeping the house deodorized and fresh.
  7. Involve others:
  8. Cleaning should not be a one-person job. To distribute the workload, Involve family members or roommates in cleaning tasks. Assign age-appropriate chores to children and create a team effort to maintain a clean home. Alternatively, for our single friends, arranging cleaning dates can be fun with the music on, knowing many hands do little work. These arrangements can also resemble a body doubling where one person is in the room while the other is cleaning or organizing. Sometimes, it is about having some support while doing an unwanted task like decluttering.
    If all else fails, hire a professional who will free up your time to do what you do best.
  9. Adopt the “One-Minute Rule”:
  10. Gretchen Rubin, author of “The Happiness Project,” suggests the one-minute rule: if a task can be done in less than one minute, do it immediately. This includes putting away shoes, wiping down a counter, or hanging up a coat. Following this rule helps prevent small tasks from accumulating into overwhelming clutter.


The state of your home significantly impacts your mental health and productivity. A clean, organized living space can reduce stress, enhance focus, and promote well-being. By incorporating principles from Feng Shui and adopting realistic cleaning strategies, you can create a harmonious environment conducive to a balanced and productive life. Remember, the journey to a cleaner home is a marathon, not a sprint. Small, consistent efforts will yield significant benefits over time. So get out the vacuum, make sure you have enough dust bags, and get to work!